We are thrilled to announce our new Signature Series line of Professional Silicone Masks! The TBFX Masks Signature Series is a collection of Silicone Masks designed and sculpted by some of the top artists in the industry!

We couldn't be more excited to announce that Master Monster Maker Jonathan Fuller will be making his silicone mask debut as part of our new Signature Series Line! In addition to Monster Asylum, his personal collection of Collector's Masks, Display Busts and props, Jon's credits include Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Satan's Little Helper and has been featured on The Travel Channel's Making Monsters.

How long have you been making monsters?

As far back as I can remember. I was drawing all kinds of weird things as a young kid and got into makeup effects around eleven years old. When I started seeing these amazing masks in stores and the Death Studios printed catalog I had to try my hands at sculpting. After a few years of improving my skill set, I had my first mask produced by Death Studios called El Diablo, a.k.a. Satan's Little Helper.

How did you get started in the industry?

It all started after I had built up enough of a portfolio and showed it to Jordu Schell. He said I should take his advanced sculpting class.  Every Saturday I'd drive up to Burbank for his class. After the ten weeks were up I was a completely different artist. My pieces had life. So with these new found abilities I worked my ass off getting as good as I could, built up a new portfolio and headed to the IMATS. While sitting at Dick's Round Table {Dick Smith} flipped through my work with that giddy excitement he would have when he really liked what he was looking at. Dick, in my opinion, over-complimented me. But, hell I was gonna take it! Thank you for those words, Dick. I miss you. Well after all that I was approached by "he who shall remain nameless" to have a look at my portfolio. I was offered a sculpting job on Buffy the Vampire slayer and Angel. "Holy shit", I thought at the time, "I did it. I'm in the industry". Well not to get to into the complete and utter mistakes and decisions I made back then. I'll just say: THAT SUCKED!

Why did you decide to pursue mask-making full time?

Mask making is the one facet of the industry where you can use all your skills to create something cool. From design, sculpting, final paint and all the lame as shit in between like mold masking. Not to mention you can sell them. On top of that freelance mask designing for companies can be very rewarding.

You are an inspiration for many in this current generation of artists and monster makers. Here at The Basement FX you have been a huge inspiration for our artists! What artists have inspired you? 

This is always a hard question to answer. The list is insanely long. I guess there is a time-table type of way to look at it. In the beginning it was of course Rick Baker, Dick Smith, Stan Winston, Kevin Yagher, Steve Johnson, Rob Bottin and all of the artists at KNB. That bled into Jordu Schell, Steve Wang, Joel Harlow and countless others. Nowadays with Facebook and all the other social media outlets you're introduced to so many amazing artists I could go on and on....

Do you have any advice for fans of yours who are getting their start in sculpting or painting?

You just have to have a true passion for it and be extremely patient. The amount of info that is out there now is insane. USE IT! Take a class like Jordu Schell's or Casey Love's. Seeing it done and getting hands-on experience is amazing.

We couldn't be more excited to have an artist of your amazing talent join #teambasementfx! Why did you decide you wanted to bring your unique vision to life in silicone?

Seeing what you guys can do is pretty awesome. When done with the right people who have the same passion to do the very best they can, it can result in some amazing pieces.

What do you look forward to bringing to the Silicone Mask Industry with THE BASEMENT FX?

The best! Stupid question... Raising the bar, BITCHES!!!


Stay tuned for updates on the first of our line of Signature Series Silicone Masks featuring Jonathan Fuller. In the meantime,  please visit his web site http://www.monsterasylum.com/ to view his collection of custom Halloween Masks, one of a kind Collector Masks, Props, Blank Castings and Display Art.